codify a telegramの例文
The SEC bulletin released today essentially codifies the First Bank opinion. The industry is eager for the agency to formally codify it. It also would codify the rest of the digital licens......

a telegram
He was caught sending a telegram saying " Things are going well. She also receives a telegram from Harry telling her to meet him. This decision was approved by the Admiralty in a telegram ......

an urgent telegram
Some weeks later, Corky receives an urgent telegram from Ukridge, and travels to Kent. Don had decided that he loved Prudence, but then he received an urgent telegram to rescue Lyda. India......

astronomical telegram
He alerted the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams through a Western Union telegram. In March 2009 the Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams announced the discovery of a trinary ......

blood telegram
The Blood telegram ( April 6, 1971 ) was seen as the most strongly worded expression of dissent in the history of the U . S . Foreign Service. During the Bangladesh War of Independence, th......

bridgeport telegram
He began work for the Bridgeport Telegram in 1969, reporting on Bridgeport City Hall and the General Assembly in Hartford. In the beginning of 20th century, at least in the U . S . press (......

brief telegram
Garibaldi was recalled from his successful march and resigned with a brief telegram reading only " " Obbedisco " " ( " I obey " ). Shortly before his own arrest, Colonel Peter Znamerovsky,......

business telegram
Ruby had even stopped nearby to send a routine business telegram just before he shot Oswald _ hardly the work of a stalking killer _ and wouldn't have even been in the building at the same......

by telegram
Harrison communicated with his West Coast network by telegram and phone. These warnings were passed on to the Hungarian government by telegram. Captain Chapman received his appointment as ......

cipher telegram
Cipher telegrams were subject to higher tolls. The regulations of the International Telegraph Convention distinguished between " code telegrams ", which it describes as " those composed of......

circular telegram
Both sides sent circular telegrams to rally their officers and denounce their enemies. Cao and Wu began to agitate against Duan and the Anhui clique and issued circular telegrams denouncin......

code telegram
However, a coded telegram informs them that Caypor is not their target. During the inquiry Wood presented copies of a series of coded telegrams written by Overheu. Prior to Gambier-Parry's......

coded telegram
However, a coded telegram informs them that Caypor is not their target. During the inquiry Wood presented copies of a series of coded telegrams written by Overheu. His published articles a......

commercial telegram
In 1882, Canadian Pacific transmitted its first commercial telegram over telegraph lines they had erected alongside its tracks, breaking Western Union's monopoly.

confirmation of telegram
Confirmation of telegram

congratulatory telegram
Kohl said in a congratulatory telegram to Prime Minister Necmettin Erbakan. EU Commission President Romano Prodi wrote in a congratulatory telegram Monday. The achievement was widely celeb......

daily telegram
Howard returned each time to running the " Columbus Daily Telegram ". Andrew B . Carter writes for The Daily Telegram. Wheeler sent daily telegrams to the governor-general in Calcutta. Aft......

diplomatic telegram
He was jailed in 1922 for publishing secret diplomatic telegrams while Staats Secretary under Eisner, before the Bavarian Soviet Republic. Also, the flow of diplomatic telegrams dried up a......

dispatch a telegram
One of the first acts performed by the Duke upon arrival in Rockhampton was to dispatch a telegram expressing sympathy to Queensland Premier Ned Hanlon whose wife Elizabeth had died sudden......

domestic telegram
The Australian Telecommunications Commission was restructured as the Australian Telecommunications Corporation, trading as Telecom Australia, in 1989 . That year saw the last domestic tele......

draft a telegram
Draft a telegram

ems telegram
The Ems telegram had exactly the effect that Bismarck had intended. The immediate cause of the war resided in the candidacy of a William I . Releasing the Ems Telegram to the public, Bisma......

enciphered telegram
Much of the post-World War I codebreaking was done by obtaining copies of enciphered telegrams sent over Western Union by foreign diplomats, as was the custom before countries had technolo......

evening telegram trophy
The club has received the Evening Telegram Trophy on four occasions after finishing first in the NSHL regular season. From 1953 to 1959, Gander entered a team in provincial Section B senio......

express telegram
I ' d like to send an express telegram I want to send an express telegram